Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How to Choose an Airsoft GunPart 2


  • Spring guns are the cheapest to get and the most durable.
  • Gas guns often don't work or suffer reduced performance in cold weather.
  • 250 - 350 FPS is usually around average except for sniper rifles which should be at least 400 FPS or higher (read "they need to be upgraded").
  • One should find some reviews of the gun on many different sites before buying it. Don't trust user reviews on a retailers website. Don't believe everything the retailer says about the product. Airsoft forums can have valuable, objective information.
  • Consider the importance of high metal content. Plastic is cheaper but less durable.
  • For AEGs, the length of the gun is an important factor. Guns with longer overall lengths generally have longer inner barrels, which provide more precision when the barrel quality and bore are smiliar. Bullpup style guns like the AUG and P90 are the exception to this, since they have long inner barrels but relatively short overall lengths. Shorter guns usually have shorter inner barrels and therefore less accuracy under said conditions, but they are more maneuverable in close quarters and lighter.
  • Don't buy a gun only because it looks cool.
  • Don't assume that because a gun is good in a video game, movie, or real life that the airsoft model you are looking at will be good as well.
  • Be careful about guns that come with a lot of accessories (RIS rails, scope, silencer, foregrip, flashlight, laser, etc). This is often a way for companies to make cheap quality guns look better than they are.
  • In the UK if you want to play airsoft as a sport the maximum fps for a rifle is 330 fps, for a pistol the highest is 260 fps, and for a sniper its 550 fps you may give or take a few fps.
  • High FPS guns hurt a lot!
  • Wear eye protection at all times!
  • Never shoot someone who is not wearing eye protection!
  • Never shoot anyone who is within 50 feet of you with a gun that has a FPS rate of 500 or more! This will increase the chances of the pellet becoming lodged in the person's skin!
  • Never shoot at animals or an unprotected human.
  • Always wear eye, ear, and face protection.
  • Never shoot someone with an airsoft gun at close range.
  • Do not remove the orange tip that comes on the gun.
  • Only play in a place there the owner has given permission to do so. Don't play in a place where neighbors or other people could see the airsoft guns and call the police. Be sure that everyone who could be in the area knows what is going on. It is best to play on an airsoft field.
  • It's always good to make sure you have everything before an airsoft match. An uncharged battery or lack of BB's and Gas is a bad way to ruin a match.